The L-mount alliance: Panasonic, Leica and Sigma
You too can benefit from the L-mount partnership and discover the numerous advantages of the bayonet standard.
With the merger between Panasonic, Leica and Sigma, the three companies have created a cross-format standard for the first time in the history of digital photography. On this page you will find countless possible combinations of Lens and cameras from the three brands, opening up an unlimited spectrum of creative freedom for you. All the quality and functional features of the systems are retained and you can shoot without loss!
With the L-Mount, a new era of flexibility begins so that you can enjoy uncompromising compatibility of APS-C and full-frame cameras from Leica, Panasonic, Sigma, DJI, Blackmagic, ASTRODESIGN and SAMYANG with the corresponding Lens. Immerse yourself!
The L-mount diameter of 51.6 millimetres is suitable for use on cameras with a full-frame sensor as well as cameras with an APS-C sensor. L-Mount Lens are compatible with both camera types, considerably expanding their range of applications.
Das Bajonett
The camera bayonet made of wear-resistant stainless steel with four flange segments can withstand even the heaviest loads. The L-mount prevents tilting and ensures that the Lens sits particularly firmly and flat, guaranteeing optimum sharpness on the sensor.
The very short flange focal distance of just 20 mm ensures a short distance between the Lens and the sensor. This means that complex retrofocus constructions can be dispensed with and optics can be designed more compactly. In addition, adapters for Lens with other bayonet connections can be used without any problems.
Smooth transmission
The standardized L-mount contact strip ensures smooth communication between the electronic components in the lens and camera, including the transmission of digital correction values from the lens and the installation of firmware updates on lenses.
The L-Mount Alliance jointly uses the L-Mount standard developed by Leica Camera AG for mirrorless camera systems. It currently consists of Leica Camera, SIGMA, Panasonic, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH, DJI and Samyang, as well as. The Alliance partners use the L-mount standard for cameras and Lens, which are each offered under their own brands. The technical development of the L-Mount is carried out jointly.
The L-mount is a lens mount for mirrorless system cameras, which was introduced to the market by Leica Camera in 2014 with the Leica T for an APS-C system and in 2015 with the Leica SL for a full-frame system. The large aperture, with a diameter of 51.6 mm, enables both high-aperture and the most compact Lens possible. The communication interface is designed to be future-proof and the connection enables the construction of systems protected against dust and splash water. The support dimension of the L-Mount is 20 mm and allows the adaptation of a variety of different Lens.
L-MOUNT is a registered trademark of Leica Camera AG. Leica is the licensor for the L-Mount standard, Panasonic, SIGMA, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH and DJI are licensees. The L-mount is a lens mount for mirrorless system cameras, which Leica Camera introduced to the market in 2014 with the Leica T for an APS-C system and in 2015 with the Leica SL for a full-frame system. The large aperture, with a diameter of 51.6 mm, enables both high-aperture and the most compact Lens possible. The communication interface is designed to be future-proof and the connection enables the construction of systems protected against dust and splash water. The support dimension of the L-Mount is 20 mm and allows the adaptation of a variety of different Lens.
L-MOUNT is a registered trademark of Leica Camera AG. Leica is the licensor for the L-Mount standard, Panasonic, SIGMA, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH and DJI are licensees.
Panasonic and Leica have maintained intensive business relations for many years, and Panasonic and SIGMA are in regular contact due to their cooperation for the Micro 4/3 system. Through this constellation, and with Panasonic as a middleman, the three companies, each of which has its own strengths and unique selling points, came together. Panasonic stands for advanced technologies, especially in areas such as digitization, autofocus and optical image stabilization technologies. Leica's expertise in optical design, premium product manufacturing and its world-renowned brand has proven itself time and time again over the decades.
SIGMA's high level of product development and mass production has given the company a unique reputation as a supplier of high-performance lenses and cameras. Although all three companies operate as independent competitors, there are few areas of business where there is overlap. As this is the basis for a balanced and equal partnership, it was decided to form the L-Mount Alliance. Due to its versatility, customers will benefit greatly from the L-Mount as they will have an unprecedented choice of products that are compatible with each other.
That is possible. As part of the further development of the L-mount standard within the alliance, key components and technology platforms (hardware and software) may be required that are developed jointly. In addition, further joint developments are also possible, which could lead to jointly used key components, technologies or modules for product development. However, such developments would be carried out independently of the L-Mount Alliance as part of a project-related development cooperation.